Nebula has been updated with new features, improvements, and issues fixed in August 2023. Release notes are viewable below.
August 31, 2023
Features and improvements
- No features this release.
Issues fixed
- Filters were not being applied in the Detections tab of the Endpoints details slideout.
August 29, 2023
Features and improvements
Endpoint Agent
- Windows software updates for NCEP Service Package 4.6.0277, NCEP Component Package 1.0.2100, and OPSWAT SDK 4.3.3653.
- Overhauled our protection approach to universally prevent the latest memory injection tactics from being used on any Nebula component.
- Added functionality to upload a bulk domain list for global exclusions in DNS Filtering.
- Added Transmission to the list of applications that can be blocked.
Issues fixed
- No fixes this release.
August 22, 2023
Features and improvements
- Added Single Sign-On support to the Nebula Admin app.
Issues fixed
- Fixed the Sign in with TouchID label on the login screen of the Nebula Admin app for Android devices.
August 15, 2023
Features and improvements
Endpoint Agent
- Migrated to a more reliable communication method from the Endpoint Agent to Nebula. This should result in increased stability and connectivity. This improvement is in Engine version 1.2.1059.
- Added the Group column to OS patches tables to easily identify and categorize OS patches based on endpoint groups.
Issues fixed
- Resolved an issue where OS patches were not displayed correctly in Nebula due to the Endpoint Agent incorrectly reporting the patches as "Not Found", when they had been applied successfully. This issue is fixed in Asset Plugin 1.2.635.
August 8, 2023
Features and improvements
Endpoint Agent
- Windows software updates for Endpoint Agent (Engine 1.2.1057; Service 1.2.549; EP Plugin 1.2.1172; UserAgent 1.2.481).
- Improved the methods of determining when a machine has FIPS enabled. This functionality is added in Engine version 1.2.1057.
- Handled a rare exception where Early Launch Antimalware (ELAM) driver failed to initialize which prevented the Endpoint Agent to complete its own initialization. The agent will now send error alert to the console when this happens but continues with its initialization. This improvement is added in Engine 1.2.1057.
- Added a new log file the the diagnostic logs that catalogs every agent-related command run on an endpoint machine and the results. This functionality is added in UserAgent version 1.2.481.
- Implemented additional end-user limitations on the tray icon menu items when the "Allow Administrator level users to interact with the Malwarebytes Tray" option in the policy is enabled. This functionality is added in UserAgent version 1.2.481.
- Introduced the functionality for bulk upload of domains for allow list and block list in DNS settings. This feature simplifies the management of domain lists and improves efficiency.
- The stepper and bottom navigation bar have been optimized to always remain in their fixed positions, enhancing user navigation and experience on the DNS Rule page.
Issues fixed
- Remediation scans were missed after returning from being offline even with the run missed schedules as soon as possible setting enabled. This issue is fixed in EP Plugin version 1.2.1172.
August 3, 2023
Features and improvements
- Windows software updates for Endpoint Agent (Asset Plugin 1.2.634; OPSWAT SDK 4.3.3625).
- Made additional performance improvements as well as definition and product signature updates. This improvement is added in Software Management SDK version 4.3.3625.
Issues fixed
- The Learn more links on the integration page were not working as expected.
- Webhooks for job status changes were not emitting a canceled event.
- The Patch Management updates would sometimes not honor the "Pause Software Update" policy setting. This issue is fixed in Asset Plugin 1.2.634.
August 1, 2023
Features and improvements
- The Device Control report now includes the serial number instead of the volume serial number.
Issues fixed
Endpoint Agent
- Asset Scan Results for macOS devices were encoded incorrectly, resulting in missing data in the Software Inventory and Endpoint Details pages in the Nebula console. This issue was fixed in Agent version 1.7.134.