In our efforts to rebrand from Malwarebytes to ThreatDown, we are updating the way you access Nebula and OneView.
New domain
Starting now, you can access your cloud consoles from the following links:
- Nebula:
- OneView:
On March 14, 2025, your previous links for accessing the console will be deprecated. You will be required to log in using the new links provided above. Remember to update any bookmarks or shortcuts you have for logging in to the new URL.
Single Sign-On users
If you have Single Sign-On (SSO) configured, update the configuration to reflect the new URL prior to March 14, 2025.
For additional details, see the following articles:
If you did not adjust your SSO configuration before March 14, 2025, contact ThreatDown Support or your Identity Provider's Support for assistance.
Email changes
Additionally, the email domains used for various functions, like reports and notifications, are also being updated.
In the weeks leading up to March 14th, expect emails from instead of