NOTICE - On October 18, 2022, this product was renamed to Remediation Connector Solution.
TIP - This is an example of the Remediation Connector Solution configured with CrowdStrike Falcon®.
CrowdStrike and CrowdStrike Falcon are registered trademarks of CrowdStrike, Inc.
Remediation Connector Solution is not associated with, or endorsed by, CrowdStrike Holdings, Inc. or its affiliates.
If you encounter error messages with your Remediation Connector Solution solution, use the article below for additional details.
Error messages
This table details common applet errors:
Error | Source | Resolution |
Could not get status of device ---- hostname. The attempt returned error 403 with the content: unknown user | CrowdStrike |
Authentication error. Check API credentials or contact CrowdStrike support. |
Could not initiate a connection to the device --- hostname. Internal Server Error: Please provide trace-id-‘xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx’ to support | CrowdStrike |
Contact CrowdStrike support. |
Runscript is disabled by policy | CrowdStrike |
MBBR.exe 0xCnnnnnnnL | Breach Remediation |
Script failed to parse | CrowdStrike |
The term schtasks is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. | CrowdStrike |
This error message indicates the schtasks.exe command is not available, not authorized, or the path has been changed. Locate the schtasks.exe, and add the file's path to the PATH environment variable. |
Error codes
This table details error codes in Breach Remediation. Investigate network connection and licensing errors by manually running Breach Remediation locally on workstations.
Error Code | Resolution |
ERROR_INACTIVE_ENTITLEMENT C0031000L | Licensing error, contact support. |
ERROR_KEYSTONE_RESPONSE_ERROR C0031001L | Licensing error, contact support. |
ERROR_KEYSTONE_SERVER_ERROR C0031002L | Licensing error, contact support. |
ERROR_INVALID_PRODUCT_CODE C0031003L | Licensing error, contact support. |
ERROR_REDEEM_FAILURE C0031004L | Licensing error, contact support. |
ERROR_EXPIRED_ENTITLEMENT C0031005L | Licensing error, contact support. |
ERROR_KEYSTONE_CONNECTION_FAILURE C0031006L | Licensing error, contact support. |
ERROR_NO_PRODUCT_KEY C0031007L | Licensing error, contact support. |
ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_ENTITLEMENT_LEVEL C0031008L | Licensing error, contact support. |
ERROR_UPDATE_FAILURE C0041100L | Database rules update failed, check network connectivity. |
ERROR_NO_DATABASE C0041101L | Run database update. |
ERROR_DATABASE_DELETION_FAILURE C0041102L | Contact support. |
ERROR_FAILED_TO_SAVE_CUSTOMDB C0051206L | Contact support. |
ERROR_NO_HEADERS_IN_CUSTOMDB C0051207L | Contact support. |
ERROR_CORRUPT_CUSTOMDB C0051208L | Contact support. |
ERROR_CUSTOMDB_SIZE_OVER_LIMIT C0051209L | Custom Rules database size limit is 35 MB. Current size is over the limit. Reduce the size of your custom rules. |
ERROR_EMPTY_RULE_NAME C005120AL | Custom Rules has empty name. |
ERROR_RULE_NAME_TOO_LONG C005120BL | Custom Rules name is longer that 126 characters. |
ERROR_RULE_NAME_STARTS_WITH_DOT C005120CL | Custom Rules name cannot start with a period. |
ERROR_INVALID_CHARS_IN_RULE_NAME C005120DL | Contact support. |
ERROR_FAILED_CONNECTION C0011300L | Communications error from MBBR.EXE to servers. Retry scan or check network connection. |
ERROR_INVALID_LICENSE_CONFIG C0011303L | Contact support. |
ERROR_SETTINGS_CHANGES_REQUIRE_ADMIN C001130DL | Security configuration. MBBR.EXE requires administrative privileges to run. |
ERROR_INVALID_SCAN_EXCLUSION_STRING C0021400L | Review exclusions file to confirm exclusions are valid. |
ERROR_FAILED_TO_OPEN_SCANRESULTS C0063013L | -removelastscan specified, but failed to open the ScanResults.json file. |
ERROR_ADMIN_NEEDED_FOR_UPDATE C0063015L | Application update is required and user must be an administrator. |
ERROR_MBBR_CERT_INVALID C0063017L | Application integrity verification failed. Verify digital certificates or contact support. |
MBBR_ARGUMENT_ERROR C0065000L | The parameters sent to MBBR.EXE are invalid. Contact support |