Advanced Application Block techniques in Nebula use file information such as file properties, file hash values, and file sizes to create block rules. These assist the rules in determining the correct files to block once identified with the correct characteristics. To obtain file information, see options below.
File properties
Run the following command in PowerShell to retrieve the file properties:
(Get-Item "<path to file>").VersionInfo | Format-List
File hash
The MD5, SHA1, or SHA256 hash can be obtained from a file using PowerShell. Run the following command to retrieve the hash:
Get-FileHash "path to file" -Algorithm <MD5|SHA1|SHA256> | Format-List
File size
Run the following command in PowerShell to get the file size in number of bytes:
(Get-Item "<path to file>").Length
Certificate property
Run the following command in PowerShell to get the certificate properties:
Get-AuthenticodeSignature "<file path>" | Format-List
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