Exclusions are a feature in Nebula that provides your endpoints with unrestricted access to items, such as files, folders, registry keys, and websites. These items can be accessed even if Nebula identifies them as a threat. You can apply exclusions to all or specific groups of endpoints, allowing you to choose who can access specific applications or websites.
When an exclusion is created, the item is added to a list stored on each device. Once a threat is detected, the endpoint checks to see if it is in the exclusions list. If it is, the item is allowed to run as usual. Otherwise, it is blocked.
TIP - Exclusions are supported for Windows, macOS, and Linux devices. They are not honored on iOS, Android, and ChromeOS devices.
When to add exclusions
If you are using another security product, you should exclude its folders and files in Nebula. This prevents Nebula from scanning and blocking the other security programs, ensuring they can run together harmoniously.
Additionally, there can be false positives, where legitimate items such as Microsoft Word or https://www.google.com are accidentally blocked. When this occurs, you should exclude the false positive to provide users access to the item.
Keep in mind that exclusions can put your environment at risk by exposing it to more threats. Therefore, it's important to be cautious when using this feature and ensure that only safe and legitimate items are added to the exclusion list.
For detailed instructions, see Add exclusions in Nebula.