The Software inventory page in the Nebula console lists application information on your managed Windows™ and Mac™ endpoints. This article explains how to sort listed information, and how to export selected data.
On the left navigation menu, go to Monitor > Software Inventory.
Filter software inventory page
The Software Inventory table helps you manage the available information pulled from your endpoints. Use filters within this table to sort your information into specified results.
Customize data in the results list in the following ways:
- Add / Remove Columns: Click Add / Remove Columns to customize the table columns.
Column pinning and auto-sizing: Next to a column header, click the filter
button to display a checkbox list of different sub-filters you can apply. Click the filter
tab to pin or auto size for the selected column.
- Right-click menu: In the table, click and drag to select and highlight a section of the table. Right-click on your selected information to copy or export a .csv or an .xlsx file.
Click on a column filter icon to narrow the results. When clicking on the filter icon, the filter list at the top of the screen shows which filters are applied. Click on a filtered item to remove it, or Clear Filters to remove them all.
Export data
Download your Software Inventory information to your local machine for auditing purposes or external reporting.
- Check specific boxes for the rows you want to export.
- Click Export.
- Click Download .csv or Download .xlsx to export your data.
If the data size is too large to download, an email will be sent instead with a link to download the export.
Refresh Assets
To refresh assets on the Software Inventory page, do one of the following:
- On the left navigation pane, go to Manage > Endpoints.
- Select endpoints.
- Click Actions > Scan Inventory and Vulnerability.
To schedule a Software Inventory Scan that refreshes assets at a specified time, go to Configure > Schedules > New. For more information, see Scheduled scans in Nebula.