The endpoint agent needs to be allowed through any proxy in order to communicate with the Management Server. This can be done during a manual install, or via the command line after install. Endpoints using a proxy appear as offline in Nebula, but still receive and report tasks and commands. For more information, see Manage endpoints in Nebula.
Set proxy information during manual install
Proxy settings can be set during Endpoint Protection installation if done manually with the msiexec command. You may use these arguments during install:
Therefore, an example of using msiexec to manually install the product looks like this:
Substitute the actual admin username for USERNAME and the password for PASSWORD.
Set proxy information after installation
If you have already installed the endpoint agent and forgot to enter proxy information, it can be added after install. Adding proxy information post-install must done through the command line.
- Open a command line and go to the location of the Endpoint Agent:
CD C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes Endpoint Agent
- Run this command, substituting the proxy username for USERNAME and the proxy password for PASSWORD:
MBCloudEA.exe -proxy.server -proxy.port 906 -proxy.user USERNAME -proxy.password PASSWORD
When run, this command changes the proxy information on the client side.
If you need to clear the current proxy settings, run this command:
MBCloudEA.exe -Proxy.Clear
Note: If Tamper Protection is enabled in the policy, MBCloudEA.exe commands must include the following value: