Malwarebytes software is made possible thanks in part to many open and closed source projects. Listed below are projects utilized within our software and links to their copyright notice or license statement. Such notices and licenses are provided for informational purposes only.
Open Source Software
Project |
Product used |
7z |
Application Loader | Management Console |
bcrypt (version 1) |
bcrypt (version 2) | Management Console |
boost |
Code Snippet | Management Console |
DotNetZip | Management Console |
dotObjects - .NET Naked Objects Framework | Management Console |
ExpressionVisitor | Management Console |
gmock/gtest |
ImageComboBox | Management Console |
Inno Setup |
IPAddressControlLib | Management Console |
jquery |
Json.NET | Management Console |
jzlib |
Management Console |
libssh2 |
LinqToSqlExtensions | Management Console |
MixedCheckBoxesTreeView | Management Console |
MSI2XML | Management Console |
Newtonsoft.Json.dll | Management Console |
OpenSSL |
open vcdiff |
Poco |
Qt |
Serializable Dictionary | Management Console |
sha256 |
Smart Thread Pool | Management Console |
SoapExtensionLib.dll | Management Console |
Soap Transports | Management Console |
sph(md5, sha1, sha2) |
SplitContainerExtension | Management Console |
SSqlHelper | Management Console |
sqllite |
vbAccelerator |
WSE 3.0 | Management Console |
yaml-cpp |
zlib |
Closed Source Software
Nebula and OneView includes GeoLite2 Data created by MaxMind, available at: